Saturday, March 7, 2015


There are many superstitions that exist today. Few are knocking on wood, break a mirror seven year bad luck, throw a pinch of salt over your shoulder and the famous Friday the 13th. The main reason people believe in superstitions is because at a young age our parents have taught us that some superstitions are bad luck. Such as black cats, only sneezing once before leaving and ladders. Even though there are scientifically proven evidence that some superstitions aren't bad luck. We still believe in them just because we were taught at a young age and now it 's like an habit. (Short clip explaining why we believe in superstitions) (For more information on Superstitions)

Knocking on wood is done to get ride of evil spirits and undo something that was said to bring good luck or that could possibly tempt fate. Some believe this superstition began during the ancient pagan time. They believed the belief of spirits or deities lived in trees, and by knocking on the tree or simply touching it would acknowledge them and call upon them for protection from misfortune. Not only do they protect us from misfortune, but it was also a way to say thank you to the spirits or gods for bringing good fortune. (watch a music video on the superstition knock on wood)


The Christian's believed that you should toss a pinch of salt over your left shoulder with your right hand where the devil is located to get rid of bad luck. This originated from the legend that the devil is always standing behind you, so throwing salt in his eye will distract him from causing trouble. Nowadays and historically, most people fear spilling salt because not only did it bring bad luck, it was also inviting the devil in. This superstition origin comes from the ancient times where they thought salt was used in rituals and practices. Many cultures believed salt was a powerful magical substance.

The superstition, breaking a mirror have seven year bad luck was originated by the Romans who first made glass mirrors. But long before the Romans, the Greeks believed if their reflections that hey saw in ponds, rivers, pools or bowls was distorted, disaster would be coming their way soon. The Greeks Chinese, African, Hebrews, Egyptians and Indian believed mirrors had the power to confiscate part of the user's soul. They thought if a mirror was broken, the person's soul would be trapped inside.

(13 minutes video clip explaining the superstition breaking a mirror getting seven years bad luck.)


The famous superstition, Friday the 13, is one of the well known superstition, it even has a word to describe the fear for Friday the 13: paraskevidekatriaphobia. The strong belief that the number 13 is evil and will bring bad luck that hotels,offices,apartment buildings etc. that they do not have or recognize a 13th floor, airports usually don't have a 13th gate and many people stay home on Friday the 13th.This superstition has so many theories of where it originated from. One of the theories are from Christianity and how Judas, who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th person to be seated in the Last Supper.
(For more information on Friday t he 13th superstition)