Saturday, April 18, 2015

Macbeth's Post Mortem Monologue

King Duncan:

You! You Macbeth! I trusted you! Why me? I tried to gave you more power so you could rise, I have never tried to bring you down. I gave you the role of thane of Cawdor. And what you do? Stab me in the back. Is this what I receive for helping you. Not only did you do the worst kind of treason by killing me, but blaming my poor, helpless guards and blaming my innocent sons for my murder. How dare you?! What did I ever do to you to deserve such betrayal? You make me sick! You think you can replace me. Me. This is amusing. You trying to replace me, a great and powerful king. Ha, you make me laugh. You can't even make your own decisions. You need help from an embarrassment that you suppose to call wife. She manipulated you into killing me and you let her. You are weak. We could have done so well together. I could have given you more power if you wanted. You were a good man. You let your vicious wife control you. Then you span out of control. You let your paranoia get the best of you. Which lead to the best ending.. This ending is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Loyal to his country, Macduff kills Macbeth, while that is happening his embarrassment kills herself. My favorite part is when Malcolm, my son, becomes king of Scotland. You deserved what happened to you in the end. No king will every trust a Macbeth every again. 

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