English 11
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Lord of the Flies Opinion
I found Lord of the Flies had a good story line but reading it was bit confusing.At some parts like Simon's death I didn't quite understand how he died, I had reread the page a few times to understand. At the end of the book I was still a bit confused so I watched the newer version of the movie to see if things would clear up. No, it did not, it just made things even more confusing,so then I went back to reread the confusing parts which helped somewhat. The rest I asked a friend to clear it up for me. I like the older version of the movie it's more accurate then the newer version. I have to say Ralph is my favorite character. I like how he tries to keep things
civilized but still remains a child and pretty much powerless in the
Help Expand Vocabulary
I found a great website that gives tips on how to expand my vocabulary. Such as use new words, read every day, learn the roots of words,write in a journal etc.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Lord of the Flies Response
1. Individuals are basically evil and must constantly fight against their violent nature.
I disagree, I believe everyone are good, but they do have some evil inside them. It all depends on how they were raised, their environment, something dramatic that could have happened that could and would have triggered the evilness inside of them. In this situation people will constantly be filled with rage and anger and want to fight.Luckily there are so many programs to prevent the evilness to come out of them. There are so many charities,organizations, and fundraisers to help countries during natural disasters. This is one good thing people do.

2.Individuals will go along with any type of activity, no matter how violent, when pressured by their peers.
I agree, people are more likely to participate in activities they wouldn't do normally when they are more people.They could get caught up in the moment like the Vancouver riot that occurred right after the Vancouver Canucks lost the Stanley cup. I also disagree, people are well prepared to know when the activity is getting to violent for them and they know they can`t handle it or simply don`t like the activity, they would take a step back.

3. The human race is destined to destroy itself.
I agree with this statement simply because there are these incredible machinery that with a push of a button could kill thousands possible millions of people due to a misunderstanding or disagreement. I also disagree, humans are powerful creatures, we have the ability to feed everyone on the plant, we have the ability to take away all of the weapons, bombs, machinery that could destroy thousands of people and we have the ability for all of us to work together to discover new ways to live and to move forward.

4. Rules and punishment are absolutely necessary if we are to maintain a civilized society.
I agree there should be a leader that would state the rules and then in force them no matter how small the group might be. They should get a routine going immediately. If someone breaks the rule there should be a reasonable punishment for them. This would show everyone that if you break the rules this is the consequence that you will have to face. The leader should also remember not to make the rules so strict because other members might want to have some fun and explore and besides if the leader makes the rules so strict they may not follow. The punishment also shouldn't be so deadly because if it is the other members would probably leave and start there own little civilized area.

5.We are our worst enemy!
I absolutely agree. We are our worst enemy. We constantly put ourselves down, we criticize our bodies and intelligence. We compare ourselves to others and say that we are not good enough. We harm ourselves physically and emotionally. Emotionally, suicidal thoughts, anxiety and depression. Physically, starving ourselves, vomiting food back out and steroids. No matter how much love we receive, we can never be fully happy until you are satisfies with yourself.

I disagree, I believe everyone are good, but they do have some evil inside them. It all depends on how they were raised, their environment, something dramatic that could have happened that could and would have triggered the evilness inside of them. In this situation people will constantly be filled with rage and anger and want to fight.Luckily there are so many programs to prevent the evilness to come out of them. There are so many charities,organizations, and fundraisers to help countries during natural disasters. This is one good thing people do.
2.Individuals will go along with any type of activity, no matter how violent, when pressured by their peers.
I agree, people are more likely to participate in activities they wouldn't do normally when they are more people.They could get caught up in the moment like the Vancouver riot that occurred right after the Vancouver Canucks lost the Stanley cup. I also disagree, people are well prepared to know when the activity is getting to violent for them and they know they can`t handle it or simply don`t like the activity, they would take a step back.
3. The human race is destined to destroy itself.
I agree with this statement simply because there are these incredible machinery that with a push of a button could kill thousands possible millions of people due to a misunderstanding or disagreement. I also disagree, humans are powerful creatures, we have the ability to feed everyone on the plant, we have the ability to take away all of the weapons, bombs, machinery that could destroy thousands of people and we have the ability for all of us to work together to discover new ways to live and to move forward.
4. Rules and punishment are absolutely necessary if we are to maintain a civilized society.
I agree there should be a leader that would state the rules and then in force them no matter how small the group might be. They should get a routine going immediately. If someone breaks the rule there should be a reasonable punishment for them. This would show everyone that if you break the rules this is the consequence that you will have to face. The leader should also remember not to make the rules so strict because other members might want to have some fun and explore and besides if the leader makes the rules so strict they may not follow. The punishment also shouldn't be so deadly because if it is the other members would probably leave and start there own little civilized area.
5.We are our worst enemy!
I absolutely agree. We are our worst enemy. We constantly put ourselves down, we criticize our bodies and intelligence. We compare ourselves to others and say that we are not good enough. We harm ourselves physically and emotionally. Emotionally, suicidal thoughts, anxiety and depression. Physically, starving ourselves, vomiting food back out and steroids. No matter how much love we receive, we can never be fully happy until you are satisfies with yourself.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
I Found A Macbeth Poem
In this poem, Macbeth is at the highest point in his reign. He is reassuring and convincing himself that his reign and him will not be compromised by repeating the prophecy that the witches gave him.
King's Reassurance
I, King of Scotland, am immortal.
By the prophecy of the wicked trio,
I remain unscathed, indestructible.
There be no tree capable of charging my hold.
There be no man born not of woman.
There be no threat to my reign.
Ambition led me to the climax of power.
Yes, I have killed in cold blood,
but all in good favor,
for your King cannot die,
for man is surely born of woman,
and trees cannot walk...
© Trevor D. Bishop, 2 months ago(Shakespeare
syndrome)By the prophecy of the wicked trio,
I remain unscathed, indestructible.
There be no tree capable of charging my hold.
There be no man born not of woman.
There be no threat to my reign.
Ambition led me to the climax of power.
Yes, I have killed in cold blood,
but all in good favor,
for your King cannot die,
for man is surely born of woman,
and trees cannot walk...
http://allpoetry.com/poems/about/Macbeth (More poems of Macbeth)
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Inquiry Presentation Preparation
I'm not good at public speaking ,so when the time came for the inquiry presentation, I started freaking out. To help me with the inquiry presentation I watched a video and search up ways to improve my portion of the presentation. Then I practiced my part several times by the end I had memorized my part. Overall, the presentation went well, we got a good mark and I'm starting to feel less afraid each time I do a presentation.
http://study.com/academy/lesson/managing-public-speaking-anxiety.html (A short video)
https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/openforum/articles/easiest-ways-to-manage-your-public-speaking-fear-2/ (For help with public speaking)
http://study.com/academy/lesson/managing-public-speaking-anxiety.html (A short video)
https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/openforum/articles/easiest-ways-to-manage-your-public-speaking-fear-2/ (For help with public speaking)
Macbeth's Post Mortem Monologue
King Duncan:
You! You Macbeth! I trusted you! Why
me? I tried to gave you more power so you could rise, I have never
tried to bring you down. I gave you the role of thane of Cawdor. And
what you do? Stab me in the back. Is this what I receive for helping
you. Not only did you do the worst kind of treason by killing me, but
blaming my poor, helpless guards and blaming my innocent sons for my
murder. How dare you?! What did I ever do to you to deserve such
betrayal? You make me sick! You think you can replace me. Me. This is
amusing. You trying to replace me, a great and powerful king. Ha, you
make me laugh. You can't even make your own decisions. You need help
from an embarrassment that you suppose to call wife. She manipulated
you into killing me and you let her. You are weak. We could have done
so well together. I could have given you more power if you wanted.
You were a good man. You let your vicious wife control you. Then you
span out of control. You let your paranoia
get the best of you. Which lead to the best ending.. This ending is
the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Loyal to his
country, Macduff kills Macbeth, while that is happening his
embarrassment kills herself. My favorite part is when Malcolm, my
son, becomes king of Scotland. You deserved what happened to you in
the end. No king will every trust a Macbeth every again.

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Saturday, April 4, 2015
Macbeth Themes & Motifs: Making Connections: Contemporary Context
- A student who does extra homework, stay in to study and asks lots of questions achieves the highest mark in the class and gets honour role.
( Mini movie clip showing a man going
after his dreams no matter his age.)
Fate and Free will:
Fate - An event that inevitably occurs
regardless of human action.
Free will - Free and independent choice
or voluntary decision.
What forces decide our destinies
......is it fate?
- Religion
- History
- War and peace
- Rise and fall of empires
...or is it free will?
- Revolution
- Innovation
- Social reform
- Democracy
( Movie trailer that displays fate and
free will)
Appearances and reality:
- Photoshop sets high standards for beauty that can't be met and leads to depression and sometimes suicide.
- Social media sites allow people to use social media to create prefect life that is ideal to them, but is so far from the actually truth.
- Celebrities set the standards on how we must act, what we must wear, how we comfort ourselves and we don't even realize it.
(video clip displaying a models
transformation in seconds)
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