I disagree, I believe everyone are good, but they do have some evil inside them. It all depends on how they were raised, their environment, something dramatic that could have happened that could and would have triggered the evilness inside of them. In this situation people will constantly be filled with rage and anger and want to fight.Luckily there are so many programs to prevent the evilness to come out of them. There are so many charities,organizations, and fundraisers to help countries during natural disasters. This is one good thing people do.
2.Individuals will go along with any type of activity, no matter how violent, when pressured by their peers.
I agree, people are more likely to participate in activities they wouldn't do normally when they are more people.They could get caught up in the moment like the Vancouver riot that occurred right after the Vancouver Canucks lost the Stanley cup. I also disagree, people are well prepared to know when the activity is getting to violent for them and they know they can`t handle it or simply don`t like the activity, they would take a step back.
3. The human race is destined to destroy itself.
I agree with this statement simply because there are these incredible machinery that with a push of a button could kill thousands possible millions of people due to a misunderstanding or disagreement. I also disagree, humans are powerful creatures, we have the ability to feed everyone on the plant, we have the ability to take away all of the weapons, bombs, machinery that could destroy thousands of people and we have the ability for all of us to work together to discover new ways to live and to move forward.
4. Rules and punishment are absolutely necessary if we are to maintain a civilized society.
I agree there should be a leader that would state the rules and then in force them no matter how small the group might be. They should get a routine going immediately. If someone breaks the rule there should be a reasonable punishment for them. This would show everyone that if you break the rules this is the consequence that you will have to face. The leader should also remember not to make the rules so strict because other members might want to have some fun and explore and besides if the leader makes the rules so strict they may not follow. The punishment also shouldn't be so deadly because if it is the other members would probably leave and start there own little civilized area.
5.We are our worst enemy!
I absolutely agree. We are our worst enemy. We constantly put ourselves down, we criticize our bodies and intelligence. We compare ourselves to others and say that we are not good enough. We harm ourselves physically and emotionally. Emotionally, suicidal thoughts, anxiety and depression. Physically, starving ourselves, vomiting food back out and steroids. No matter how much love we receive, we can never be fully happy until you are satisfies with yourself.
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