Saturday, February 21, 2015

Getting to know you

 Who I Am....

As a child I was shy, skeptical and frightened with the fact I wouldn't fit in. I moved schools a lot so fitting in was always a challenge. I was the type of person who was more of a follower than a leader. Once I came to high school, I found myself in the same predicament, until the end of grade 8, where one day I got tired of being in the shadows of people, being the odd one out, following people who clearly didn't want to be my friend. So I went my separate way made new friends who wanted to be with me and had more confidence, less doubtful of myself and less afraid of fitting in and stepping out of my comfort zone. Personality, likes and dislikes are three factors that describe who I am. I am a hardworking student who is passionate about music, movies, television series, books, traveling and sleeping. I'm open minded about trying new things. I HATE public speaking especially on topics that I don't find interesting. I'm horrible at drawing, singing, dancing, speaking and writing, but that doesn’t stop me from doing them. I dislike the fact that I have no idea what I want to do with me self, I'm impatient about my future. Who I will become is still unclear. In general, the person I will become would be more confident, open minded, free, etc. I will be surrounded with success, happiness and good friends. I would live either in London or New York. First I would graduate from high school then go to an university in Canada and get a bachelor degree ( don't know what my major will be yet). Overall, this is who I am.



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