Saturday, February 28, 2015

Personality Profile

Overall the personalty quizzes were somewhat accurate. I love listening to and singing along to music even though I know I can't sing. I also can't dance but I love to dance in private and I have been playing the clarinet since grade 6. These things fall under the category of being Musical which I already knew I was. I didn't know I was logical but I can see why I have body movement as my third result of the first quiz. I don't consider myself being a judgmental person or being an extrovert because I'm not outgoing or that confident, I'm more of a shy person. I think it's a good thing to have a conscience,if we didn't we would allow the beast that is within all of us to come out turning us into savage people.(Just like in The Lord of the Flies) Neuroticism is a good word to describe me when there is public speaking or exams or even both are involved.

Multiple intelligences Test: Results
  • Musical: 3.86
  • Logical/Math: 3.86
  • Body Movement: 3.86

Jung and Meyers Briggs Personality Test: Results

  • E = Extrovert 45%
  • S = sensing 3%
  • T =thinking 15%
  • J = judging 33%

Psych-central Personality Test: Results
  • Consciences:45
  • Neuroticism: 26
  • Extrovert: 39






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